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Sorry For the long wait!! Winners of the Apple Prizes will be anounced next week! Final calculations are being Done!! 19th October 2012 9:09
WIN A BRAND NEW IPAD FOR FREE!!! IF YOU DONT HAVE AN IPAD--> http://www.complayn.com/competition.php A FREE IPAD!! GO NOW GET YOUR FRIENDS TO RATE YOUR COMPLAYNT!! Competitionwww.complayn.com First Prize: Person to get the most sweet or sour ratings on a single complaynt over by the 1st of Septmber 2012, will win a new iPad ! 6th August 2012 18:18
WIN A BRAND NEW IPAD FOR FREE!!! IF YOU DONT HAVE AN IPAD--> http://www.complayn.com/competition.php A FREE IPAD!! GO NOW GET YOUR FRIENDS TO RATE YOUR COMPLAYNT!! Competitionwww.complayn.com First Prize: Person to get the most sweet or sour ratings on a single complaynt over by the 1st of Septmber 2012, will win a new iPad ! 4th August 2012 18:18
24th July 2012 10:10
11th March 2012 21:21
Can u believe the quality of service these days!I bought a Volvo 2months ago(2nd) hand,it was a big buy for me and is not a "toy" car,it's for the family. It was a privet sale. Due to the creditors laws it had to go for a full Dekra AA test to check everything. Everything was fine!one month after receiving the car we here a click every time we turn,CV JOINTS!!!!!!!!!take it for a check and they confirm,and say its been like that for ages and have been pumped full of grease to hide the noise!3 days after that we pack to go away and check the oil,would u believe it we need 5 LITERS later it's still not full!!!!!!!!!!!!! AA,aren't they as post to be the oldest and most reliable car check of all? And good luck trying to get a response out of them. What a joke |
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